New electronic safe lock E-8111 Function:
E-8111 Instruction manuel
1. How to open safe
The factory default user code is 168 and master code is 888888 , the master code is only used when user lost user codes
A. Input user code to open the safe
B. Input master code to open the safe
C. Wrong codes input 3 times , the safe will be hold on 5 minutes
2. How to change codes
Change user code
A. When the safe is opened, press red reset button( side of door cover) and it will beep
B. Input your new user code(1-8digits) and press"#" to confirm
C. After new codes input , the buzzer will beep twice and yellow light flashed twice , it means your user code is changed successfully
Change master code
A. When the safe is opened , input "00"
B. Press red reset button(side of door cover) and it will beep
C. Input new master code(1-8digits) and press"#" to confirm
D. After new codes input the buzzer will beep twice and yellow light flashed twice , it means your master code is changed successfully
3. Sound warning
A. Each button is pressed it will sound D0" one time
B. Correct codes input it will sound" DIDI" twice
C. Wrong codes input , it will sound"DIDIDI" three times
D. Codes changed successfully , it will sound"DIDIDI" three times
4. Low battery warning
When the battery is consumed to 4.8±0.2V , the red light will be on and it means the battery is lower , please replace it as soon as possible , but the balance of power can be powered 50 times as normal use
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